District Services
As one of the largest Special District Management firms in the southeast, we provide professional management services for over 100+ Districts throughout Florida, Alabama and Louisiana.
Management Services
Management services include the conducting of board meetings, budget workshop, overall administration of District functions and all required state and local filings, preparation of annual budget, purchasing, and risk management.
Accounting services include the preparation and delivery of the district’s financial statements in accordance with Governmental Accounting Standards, accounts payable and accounts receivable functions, asset tracking, investment tracking, capital program administration and requisition processing, filing of annual reports required by the State of Florida and monitoring of trust account activity.
District Financial &
Revenue Collection
Financial & Revenue Collection services include all functions necessary for the timely billing, collection and reporting of District assessments in order to ensure adequate funds to meet the District’s debt service and operations and maintenance obligations. These services include assessment roll preparation and certification, direct billings and funding request processing as well as responding to property owner questions regarding District assessments.
Administrative Services
Administrative services include support for the District Management function, recording and preparation of meeting minutes, records retention and maintenance in accordance with Chapter 119, Florida Statutes, and preparation and delivery of agenda packages.
Bond Issuance
Bond issuance services include preparation of the special assessment allocation report, testimony at the required bond validation court hearing, certifications and closing documents. To date, Rizzetta & Company, Inc., has been involved in over 250 bond closings for 125 Districts throughout the State of Florida totaling over $3 Billion in paramount of bonds.
Technology Services
Technology services include website hosting and maintenance, email set-up and storage, district website compliance oversight, content management and network consulting and support.
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